Chukar with a bow
I love bow hunting. I don’t care if it’s hunting whitetails, black bear, or small game, I just love being in the woods with my bow! Here in Wisconsin it takes nine to ten years to get drawn for a bear harvest tag though, and my work schedule prevents me from spending as much time afield as I would like to chasing whitetails.
Our snowshoe hare population is at an all time low here in Wisconsin, so as much as I love bow hunting I had to find some other critters to chase to keep active with my bow. I started to think about my options. Target shooting is fun if the family or a few friends are out in the back yard shooting with me, but often as not I am shooting by myself. That can get boring in a hurry. As much as I love bow hunting, I knew there had to be something out there that would exercise not only the hunting body, but the hunting mind as well.
Chukar with a bow is born
A few years ago I had the opportunity to do some shooting with Brooks Johnson who happens to love bow hunting even more than I do. Brooks had some arrow points with him that I had never seen before. Snaro Bird Points? What the heck are those? As we got to spend a few afternoons shooting aerial targets I started to see that these Snaros could keep my bow hunting skills tuned up all year long. I mean, I love bow hunting, and these Snaros just offered me a few extra seasons to get out in the woods with my bow.
After practicing on aerial targets for a few days in a row (did I mention I love bow hunting?) Brooks and I started talking about the possibilities for extending our archery seasons. We laughed about the upland bird season and migratory bird seasons. But I said hell, why not try it, we both love bow hunting? Maybe Chukar with a bow was a good starting point.
Chukar with a bow happened
With our recurves and a great bird dog in the truck we went to Birdseye View in Wisconsin ((906) 221 0783) owned by a fellow who also happens to love bow hunting. We bought a few quail and a few chukar partridge and headed out to the field. Both quail and chukar hold well on a dog’s point, and within a half an hour Brooks and I had each knocked a bird out of the air with a Snaro! What a feeling! Chukar with a bow was awesome! I love bow hunting even more now!
If you love bow hunting as much as I do go to and order some today. Whether your chasing birds from your local game farm or wild grouse and woodcock, you will find your skills improving, your reflexes improving, and your confidence soaring! You will love bow hunting even more than you do now, once you try Chukar with a bow.