Archery Legend
So you want to be an archery legend? Get yourself some Snaros from and practice up! Start by practicing on hand thrown clays or empty soda bottles lobbed out and away until you consistently hit those. Then have your partner start mixing it up with a few thrown crossways in front of you once in a while. Practice, practice, practice!
Archery Legend
Once proficient on targets you may very well be the next archery legend at your local Sportsmans Club. Go out and surprise the guys who are shooting shotguns with your Snaro. Bust a few clays with your bow and Johnny Flu-Flus or knock down a pheasant or two if your club has live birds and I guarantee you that you will be the topic of conversation at the next few club meetings.
Archery Legend
Is that Byron Ferguson behind Howard Hill at the end of the Video? 2 archery legends in one clip?
Okay, archery legend maybe not…but you will be famous in your home town for sure. Shooting aerial targets takes practice, but with a 6″ Snaro it is not as difficult as it you would think it is. I have seen a 8 year old boy shoot a quail out of the air with a 3″ Snaro. Once your familiar with your equipment, and practice on aerial targets enough, clays and even wild birds can turn you into an archery legend.