Minnesota Bowhunters Inc has one big fundraiser per year
And they could use your help. Each year at Game Fair in Anoka we help run a kids archery shoot and an aerial target station. We need manpower for both. Bring your family along to help man a booth and we will get you in the door for free.
Kids Archery Shoot
We sell tickets to the kids archery shoot. The kids shoot 3d targets with balloons on them and are introduced for the first time to the joys of a bow and arrow with staffing and instruction from The Coon Rapids archery club. Our role is to man a booth and collect money and waivers so the kids can go shoot. No skills necessary. Sit in a chair in the shade and collect $2 per kid to help fund our groups efforts.
Aerial Shoot
In 2011 MBI purchased a LaPorte aerial target machine for Game Fair use, and to loan out to 100% clubs. We charge $5 for 10 chances at the foam discs out of recurves we provide (22 and 26 lbs) with flu flu’s we provide. Everyone loves the aerials, and your job would be to collect money and retrieve arrows when we run out. This is a great station for a member to bring a son or daughter along to help out with. My boy Arcus loves the aerials because when we have no traffic I make him shoot to drum up business. By the end of the day your son or daughter will regularly be hitting the aerial targets.
Family event
Every year I bring my sons and daughter to these events and they love it. I buy them a hot dog and lemonade and make them wok all day. If you have a son or daughter you would like to work a station at this year the 17th 18th or 19th of August, please let me know. We can always use the help, and you are garaunteed to have a fun day helping our group.
Brooks Johnson
President MBI