Bird hunt bow and arrow
So you want to try bird hunting with your bow and arrow…not many guys will try it, but if you get it done you will be the talk of the town and have plenty of free drinks at the Sportsman’s Club. You will also have a great mount over the mantle that will be a conversation piece for many years to come. A lot of archers are intimidated by aerial targets until they start practicing with them. Once they realize how much fun aerial targets can be, often they are “hooked”, and find themselves spending a lot more time shooting in the back yard just getting comfortable with their equipment and having a lot of fun doing it.
Bird hunt bow and arrow
To be successful bird hunting with your bow and arrow you will need to first do a few things. First, grab a few Snaros from and then practice on aerial targets every chance you get. Start with a target launcher that simulates the flight of the bird you will be attempting to shoot. The Snaro will really up your odds of success and with a flu flu you will not spend all afternoon looking for a lost arrow. Visit and watch a few videos of what the Snaro is capable of, from doves, grouse, and even woodcock on the wing.Bird hunting with your bow and arrow and a good pointing dog is a great way to spend a beautiful fall day, and when you connect with a bird on the wing it will reward you with memories that will last a lifetime. When your Snaro connects with that bird in flight you will probably be even more excited than if you had shot a 140″ whitetail.
Bird hunt bow and arrow
To prepare for bird hunting with your bow and arrow practice with the the HirteBirdey launcher, shooting balls out of the air with your bow and arrow and a Snaro. It is a great way to prepare for a flushing woodcock or grouse in front of a pointing dog and will get your reflexes and muscle memory ready for the “real deal”.Bird hunting with your bow and arrow is rewarding in a way that few bird hunters understand. If you live in an area that sees a good migration of woodcock, has a decent level of doves, grouse or even ducks then grab your bow and arrow, visit and get ready for some exciting and challenging days afield.