Aerial Archery

Birds Eye View in Wisconsin is a great resource for all thing aerial. Even woodcock! Shooting birds with a bow
When it comes to hunting small game or birds with your bow a Snaro is the rage of field points. You wanna expand your kill zone? Go to and check out the sizes offered of a Snaro, the Universal Field Point. Using a regular field point an archer had better be “spot on” when shooting small game, especially when attempting to shoot game birds out of the air. A Snaro can expand your kill zone and turn you into a successful aerial archer, without you losing expensive arrows or having expensive small game points damaged or lost on your very first shot.
Aerial Archery
A Snaro will expand your kill zone with it’s unique cloverleaf design while delivering extreme trauma to a critters vitals on a direct hit to the head, neck or body. The cloverleaf design offers you that margin of error when you hit the bird in the wing, or would otherwise miss a bird in flight with a regular field point. A Snaro will also stand up to plenty of back yard practice sessions as it has no blades to break or fall out on your first miss. A Snaro is like the energizer bunny, it just keeps on going, and going, and going.
Aerial Archery
Over the past few years aerial archery targets have also become all the rage, and whether the targets are foam discs or live, wild upland game birds a Snaro delivers performance. A Snaro not only will expand your kill zone, keep you from losing arrows, and last for hundreds of shots, it will make you the talk of the town (or hunt club) when you start taking birds in flight with your bow and a Snaro. With a good pointing dog even a woodcock is a viable archery target. Go to and check out some of the videos for yourself, practice on some aerial targets and expand your kill zone with a Snaro.